This is for you if:

  • You have suffered a broken heart⁣
  • You want to walk into the confusing world of dating with CLARITY⁣
  • You are in a relationship but not sure if it’s right for you⁣
  • You just need some solid relationship advice (I got you)

Hi I'm Katie Bulmer

I was the girl who looked for love in all the wrong fraternity boys. I settled, I made excuses and I whitewashed all of the red flags.

Then I met the only man who would truly complete me. His name is Jesus, shortly after that I met the most amazing man I have ever met this side of heaven, my husband.

From a family of multiple divorces, I started a quest to find what happy couples do differently and I haven't stopped learning since.

Fast forward to today, I've been able to share my findings with over 60 colleges nationwide, I wrote a book, started a podcast, and now this course too!

Think of this as your big sis giving you all the best advice you never knew how bad you needed.

Get ready to have dozens of ah-ha moments of mind-blowing dating truths. The feedback I hear the most is "Well, that explains a lot."

Healing from Hurt

Our course opens up with "cleaning out the closet"

You know that catch-all closet that becomes a dumping ground for all the junk you don't know where else to put? Think of healing from heartbreak like cleaning out that closet. It's not fun, It looks worse before it gets better but ignoring it doesn't make it go away.

The best thing you can bring your future relationship is to heal from past hurt.

Doesn't apply to you? No worries you can skip ahead to the second part.

What else is in the course?

I'm so glad you asked!

  1. Healing From Heartbreak (explained above)
  2. Make a Dating Plan Your life is now, Let's make the most of it and date with INTENTION.
  3. Falling in like Chemistry Infatuation, what it all means. This is the one I always get the most "ah ha moments" and thank you messages. We also have a shame-free discussion on sex. God's design and what you probably never learned in school or church.
  4. 17 things I've learned in 17 years of marriage. What marriage IS and what it is NOT.

Oh My Lanta

So many ah-ha moments. My only regret is I wish I had this course sooner!


Katie I just want you to know what you put in this course is legitimately life-changing. I've listened to each module twice it is that good.

Exactly what I needed

Exactly what I needed. After breaking up with my boyfriend of almost 2 years, this is what I needed to regroup and set my standards before diving into another relationship.

Make the right investment

We invest in our education, entertainment, and even our makeup. It's time to invest in one of the most important decisions of our life...a dating relationship.

I have studied dating from scientific minds, Counselors, Biblical teaching, and my own experience of mentoring dozens of young women.

NOTE this is a faith-based course. I have found leaving Jesus out of the conversation is doing you a disservice. There is so much we can learn about love from the one who wrote the greatest love story of all time.

Let's do this!